Eighteen Things I’ve Learned While Being Eighteen

Finally, it’s that time. I’m still a teenager, but I soon will finally be 19. It’s not much of an accomplishment, but it makes me feel really good about myself. Anyway, I’ve wanted to make this list for a while now, and I think I’m gonna make this an annual thing, listing the things I’ve learned each year. Maybe I’ll write all these lists down in a book and give them to my kids one day. Or my grandkids. Till then, here are Eighteen Things I Learned While Being Eighteen:

1. Always thank someone after you’ve spent time with them. Send a quick text or make a quick call just to thank them for spending time with you, telling them what you got out of it, complimenting the person, and saying that you hope they enjoyed the experience as well.

2. Always compliment people. Whether they’re a complete stranger or your closest friend, if you like something about someone, tell them. You don’t know how much it’ll mean to them. You may make their day that much brighter, or even save their life.

3. Always say “thank you.” This magic word means a lot. In only two words, you can make someone’s time worthwhile. Especially thank bus drivers before you get off the bus.

4. Realize that you’re a hot piece of ass. Don’t let anyone tell you different; don’t even fathom how they could ever find you anything but sexy. Cause you’re the bomb dot com in your cute, hotass way.

5. Figure out what you want to accomplish in your life. Hope for the best. Don’t rush. Make life goals. Compromise the reality with your dreams.

6. Don’t let your talents limit you. Classes and books exist for a reason. You can improve that which you’re not naturally gifted with. Take dance classes. Learn more about photography.

7. Get a pet. Love it with all the love you can possibly give. Smoosh its adorable, furry, scaly, slimy, tiny, huge, slobbery, noisy face. Talk to it about all your problems. Sing with it. Dance with it. Give it the best care and all of your attention.

8. Earn your money and save it. Open a savings account and a checking account. Make your money and really think about its value. Spend your hours, not your dollars. A day’s worth of cleaning horse shit may not be worth that little purse with some dude’s name all over it. Save your money in case of an emergency in your future or for your senior self to enjoy.

9. Spending cheap gets cheap. Although this conflicts with number eight, quality beats quantity. Having one pair of expensive but durable rain boots will turn out cheaper in the end when they last longer than buying countless pairs of cheap boots.

10. Don’t throw your words around. Think about what “love” truly is. Think about what you say before you say it. One word can ignite a heartbreaking misunderstanding. Think of the end before you begin. Think about “hate” and other heavy words as well.

11. Learn about your parents. As annoying and inconsiderate as they may seem, come to the realization that they’re people too. Regular people. And one day, you too may be in their place as a parent.

12. Don’t filter your true self. Find you, and be you to the tee. Sing Broadway songs badly. Read about what interests you. Tell corny jokes. Do what makes you, you. It’s not weird to be yourself. It’s extraordinary. There are too many people trying way too hard to be someone they wish they could be. Appreciate who you are, and run with it.

13. Be honest always, especially with the ones you love. Express what’s on your mind, even if it hurts. No one can read minds. Don’t get angry when someone doesn’t know what you want because you didn’t clearly tell them. Learn to communicate well.

14. Eat and drink lavishly. Never deprive yourself of these basics of life. And, furthermore, don’t limit yourself. Eat the unhealthy in moderation, but eat it nevertheless. Bake brownies. Eat cookie dough. Order those greasy onion rings for home delivery.

15. Make someone’s day. Try to make someone smile every day. Be positive, comforting, and always lend an ear (and hugs). Also, don’t be afraid to break down. Crying is a perfectly fine thing to do. If it wasn’t supposed to ever happen, we wouldn’t have the parts or the need for it. Cry your heart out in a friend’s arms.

16. Dance your heart out. That step-back-and-forth thing isn’t fun. Shake your booty. Bust some moves. Sing along to the music as loud as you can. Grab a friend and waltz to dubstep. Holding back does nothing but prevent you from fully enjoying yourself.

17. Stick to your guns. What you would say behind one’s back, say (nicely, of course) to them. Don’t have different personalities around different people. Stick to one person and be him or her–be you.

18. Invest yourself in everything you do. Work as hard as your can in school. Find a hobby and do it in your spare time. Take a recreational class at the local gym. Do what makes you successful and happy.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this and maybe learned something! This was definitely a soul-searching, deep activity for myself. I really have learned and changed and grown up so much this year. I’m so truly happy. This is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Thanks for reading!!

3 thoughts on “Eighteen Things I’ve Learned While Being Eighteen”

  1. This is a wonderful list and I really like the idea of making one each year and passing it on to your kids. It might help them out on their own path growing up, but at the very least, looking at these 20 years or 50 years down the line would be a really neat time capsule sort of thing to show the changes in society, etc. Yes, this is a great idea. Might have to adopt a modified version of it myself!


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