An Ode to 2015

Ah, 2015… I remember writing my first post of the year as if it were yesterday. And now look at me. Completely new life goals, new major, new hobby (I’ve gone to yoga classes for a month now!), new job, new DECADE– there’s so much newness! It’s honestly quite terrifying. I’ve faced a lot of inner turmoil particularly lately due to all of these quick changes. (I honestly think they happened too quickly for me to process them well, but I was in a sticky situation and needed to get out ASAP.) Anywho, 2015 has been quite the rollercoaster. It was the second year I actually stayed up to watch the ball drop– the first time I watched it at home. It was the year of my three-year anniversary (although four years is creeping closer and closer– less than two months to go!). It was the year I realized that I stress way too much about things I can’t control, although I’m still working on how to solve that problem. It was the year that I finally started gaining true confidence in myself, specifically intellectually (and physically). It was the year of quite a few adventures that I’ll never forget. It was the year of change, and that change is most definitely carrying over into 2016. I have quite a few changes that I still want to put into action in the new year. Not so much like last year, with hopes of working out and learning languages, but more surrounding relaxing more and becoming a more open-minded/flexible individual (as well as working on that pesky reading list I never stop talking about). I find myself setting much higher expectations on myself, which I’m happy about. I don’t get too upset if I don’t reach those goals, but I do expect high quality and sincere work from myself, which has inspired me to at least try to get into a Ph.D. program upon graduation. (There are pretty cool alternatives, so it’s not the end of the world if I don’t get in; I just wanna try.) I have strengthened many of my relationships, both with my friends and my boyfriend, which also makes me feel happier and more confident.2015 has been pretty awesome to me, and honestly, I’m sad to see it go. (Partly because 2016 is the year I turn 21, and I’m still coping with being 20, so 21 is gonna be rough.) But, 2016 will definitely be pretty awesome as well. It’s going to be filled with papers upon papers (…upon papers), but also (I hope) clearer lines of communication with the people that I love and a less uptight, more social me. (IT’S ALSO THE YEAR THAT I’LL HAVE MY FIRST PUBLICATION– YES, MY ARTICLE IS GETTING PUBLISHED IN MY COLLEGE’S LITERARY JOURNAL! *INFINITELY SQUEALS*) Also, hopefully, 2016 will be filled with much more blog posts.

Ugh, as I write more, I realize how much I’m going to miss this year. 2015 showed me how strong I truly am, and that, when push comes to shove, I choose my happiness over anything else. 2015 restored my faith in myself, and I hope 2016 allows me to flourish into the young adult I know I can be.

It’s been real, 2015. Peace out.


Photo source:

Mini Happies

This Camp NaNoWriMo thing is much harder than it sounds. And it sounds pretty darn hard. This week was my Spring Break, a time for me to relax, go on adventures, and write…except that I was too busy relaxing and adventuring to find time or inspiration to write. Although this royally sucks and I feel pretty down for not progressing on my writing, I feel free. I think I’ve been rushing myself with due dates that I was willing to give up some of the quality of my work. Sure, I need to actually write things to get better, and I’m working on that. I also have a lot of awesome things coming my way, like actually starting my education classes and being a camp program coordinator. And this week was actually really amazing. I got to spend a lot of time with my usually busy boyfriend. We went to the zoo and saw this really amazing show. We also watched Sharknado, which I highly recommend to watch (and make fun of) with friends, and ate tons of food. I loved this week, but on Monday I go back to the ol’ grind. Amongst my frequent social media checking this week, I came across a really wonderful thing. Louise, YouTube user SprinkleofGlitter, always does wonderful crafts and Lookbook videos that feature her gorgeous and adorable four-year-old, Darcy. Lately, she has been posting on Facebook her “mini happies” each day, as a way to recognize the good things in life and inspire others to do the same. Since I feel like a fail not doing NaNoWriMo after talking it up, I’m going to try this exercise and I encourage you guys to do the same! (Perhaps I will do this more regularly if I get positive reviews or it really helps me out.)

My Mini Happies:

1. The weather is finally beautiful, sunny, and relatively warm. This makes me feel great because I’m finally not even a bit chilly.

2. I still have one and a half days left of my break.

3. I have 41 days until I’m going on my vacation to Disney.

4. I went to the dentist today and I don’t have any cavities, even though I was pretty sure I did.

5. Things are insanely wonderful regarding my love life and I couldn’t be happier.

am feeling tons better than I had been feeling this past winter, which is great. School is pretty handle-able right now, and I’m working on getting everything together for next semester. I do want to start eating a little better and saving money, because lately I’ve been a restaurant addict. I’m also considering dying my hair for the first time, but I need to discuss it with my parents and figure out if I really want to spend all that money after just deciding that I wanted to save more.

Welp, thanks for reading! This was more of an update than anything, but I always appreciate your support. Feel free to list your mini happies either in the comments or in a more personal place. It really does work!

Go out and be in the sunshine!

Lately Loving: March 2015!

Yes, everyone! It’s another new section of my blog that I’m gonna try to keep up with! I thought, “Hey, there are a good amount of new things I like each month, and they make me happy. Why not share these things with other people and maybe they’ll be happy too?” And “Lately Loving” was born!!! I hope you guys enjoy!

  The song I’ve been absolutely OBSESSED with this month is “Nothing Without Love” by Nate Ruess, a member of my favorite band, Fun. (The band has officially announced that they are working on some new things, following a short break for each member to work on their own projects.) Its poetic and upbeat qualities both remind me of Fun. and give Nate his chance to shine, which I enjoy. Listen to it here!

Another thing that I’m loving this month is this really cute dress I got from H&M! Unfortunately, I can’t wear it just yet, but I can’t wait until I can! This blue and white dress with a triangular cutout in the lower back will go perfectly with my white Keds (and possibly a white cardigan if I’m feeling modest). At $17.95, this dream dress was a steal. Get it here!

I also can’t stop making this awesome recipe for fresh garlic bread! After popping a head of garlic (just cut the top off, so the actual garlic is exposed, and pull off any extra skins; then drizzle some olive oil on top and cover in aluminum foil) in the oven for anywhere from 30-45 minutes, you can easily remove the buttery-textured roasted garlic and spread it onto bread! [I got the recipe from this awesome lady here (she also makes tomato soup in the video!].

Starting last month, I started playing the piano (well, keyboard)! I haven’t started taking lessons yet (although I plan on doing so soon), but I have been following along to my keyboard’s screen that shows the keys and what fingers to play them with. Learning by hearing is extremely difficult, and I look forward to learning the notes so I don’t have to memorize the keys by placement. But I love it! Playing is so relaxing. My first major project that I’m working on is learning how to play Für Elise. I’ve mastered the first half and couldn’t be prouder.

You may be thinking, “Michelle. Parks and Rec? You’re behind on the times, girlfriend!”
Yeah, I know. But I figured, since it just ended, when’s a better time to start? So, another thing I’m loving this month is Parks  and Rec. You can watch it on Netflix, and it’s so incredible. Being a fan of Fred Armisen’s Portlandia, I see a lot of similarities in Parks and Rec, which I love. So far, my favorite characters are April Ludgate and Ron Swanson, a twenty-year-old unenthusiastic intern and her manly, government-hating boss. Also starring in the show is SNL alum Amy Poehler.

Another obsession this month is my ANNIVERSARY! Even though it was at the end of last month, I still can’t believe that I have spent three whole years with my boyfriend! He’s literally my best friend, and I could never imagine my life without him in it. I know a lot of people have criticisms about remaining with your first partner (especially from high school) through life, but I’m happy. I am. We’ve grown up together. We remember each other before puberty made us ridiculously attractive (just kidding, we’re still potatoes) and make fun of each other for it all the time. We know each other so well, yet we still learn things about each other every day.

My final obsession this month is this blog! Thank you to my followers for sticking with me through the tough times I’ve had lately, and leaving such supportive comments. Writer from the Block has been my goal for a long time and, although it doesn’t always come out like I hope or have as many followers as I might want or I don’t post as often as I wish I could, it’s an amazing way for me to practice writing and get my thoughts organized. Thank you so much for supporting my journey toward authorsdom (or authorship?), and I can’t wait until the day I can announce to you the publication of my first book (I need to write it first!). Until then, keep smiling! ❤

Better Than Ever

Hey, all! I’m so sorry for not blogging lately. I’ve been on a sort of mental health hiatus. During this time, I had been blogging, but nothing I had written made it to being published. Really, the things I was writing were coming from a place I was trying to leave. Posts like “This Hell I’m Living” wouldn’t have helped in trying to push forward and grow and prosper. So basically, I hadn’t been feeling like myself. I didn’t have much energy to do anything but each junk food and complain about how I was feeling, blaming it on everything and everyone I could. I didn’t have interest even the things I really like. I was down on myself a lot. But it got annoying. It really did. It made me really angry to just keep on perpetuating this awful cycle of not even wanting to do anything. That’s not Michelle. Michelle’s enthusiastic and makes the best of bad situations and loves the rain (especially splashing in the puddles) and always cheers others and herself on. I wanted to be that person again. I wanted to be the girl who could completely and vividly see her future picture book(s) on the shelves of Barnes and Noble. I wanted to be the girl who actually worked hard in her classes and took fun ones just so she could enjoy working hard. I wanted to be the person who wouldn’t get nervous every time she needed to make contact with the outside world. I was done with how I was feeling. So I got up. I cleaned my room. I actually did the readings for my classes. I made outlines. I practiced for my dance classes.

I’m done with feeling down and nervous and anxious and trying so ridiculously hard to please people and make myself miserable. So I’m making changes. I’m trying to relax more, but do it through actually doing my work, keeping my environment (including my body and mind) healthy and clutter-free. I talked with a lot of friends about how I was feeling. If any of you are reading this, thank you so so much for listening to me and helping me. You guys all mean so much to me.

So I’m back. And better than ever. I plan to really start my writing process to work on my dream, writing my picture book/chapter book mystery (hopefully) series. I plan on blogging more as well! That’s all for now! Thank you so much for following and commenting!

Why I’m Thankful to Live in 2015 (Being Happy)

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t posted. Believe it or not, I’ve been working on several posts lately, but I decided not to publish them because of their depressing nature. I don’t mind sharing those feelings with you guys, but it turned out just drafting my thoughts made me feel better. So, before I get into this post, just a brief update: I’ve decided to go back to pursuing my early childhood ed degree and certification. I feel like I’ll have fun and get to truly be my silly and creative self in this field. (I haven’t really allowed myself to be creative for a long, long time, and I’m trying to change that.) Also, I have been working out, but not really eating to support it. (I’ve recently discovered that I’m a hamburger addict. They’re SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good…) I’ve also decided to pursue the piano/keyboard instead of violin. There’s not really an explanation as to why.

So now for this post. Recently, as in today, I realized that I’m going to definitely have a shopping problem as I get older and move out. (Not like the shopping problem in Sabrina the Teenage Witch, where she started to spoil…get it? Spoiled rotten?…Bless you if you understood that reference.) Now, at first I was upset at this. You see, I made it my goal in life when I was really young to never be a “girly girl” and forever stay a “tomboy.” I refused to accept compliments that revolved around my being “cute,” and stuff like that. I would be teased for shopping in the boy’s department for clothing. But now, since I’m older, hopefully wiser, and living in this time of change, I’m not afraid to be changing my thoughts and interests. I paint my nails (or rather, get them done because I can’t do them for my life) and love yellow and pink yet also I love playing basketball street-style and stuffing my face. 2015 is showing me that I’m a person. No act is “girly” or “manly.” Loving shoes and purses has nothing to do with possessing female organs. Anyone can like anything. The possibilities are endless. So I’m not “girly” or “masculine.” I’m Michelle. I identify as female, but that doesn’t affect what I do anymore. So I love how I enjoy shopping now. I buy what I like; I don’t buy only what fits my “style.” I buy vibrant things, I buy dark things, I buy yummy things, and I buy smelly things! It’s just because that’s something Michelle likes to do, and that’s all there is to it.

Speaking of things I like to do, there are so many things I want to do this year and from now on! For example, I want to paint. Watercolor, oil, fingerpaint– I want to use it all. I love painting and making a mess, and I want to do that more often! I also want to learn how to do more beauty-related things. I want to take my time before a date or get-together and blow out/curl/straighten my hair and stuff like that to look as fierce as I am inside! I want to explore my interests more overall. I feel like doing things that make me happy and not just smart or attractive or something else like that is going to be good for me. Honestly, I’m at my happiest when I’m singing, dancing, or doing something adventurous or creative. And I think that’s why I’ve changed my mind once more to be a teacher. Actually, I was reading a piece by Robert Merton (a sociologist) for my winter class, and it really hit me. In his discussion regarding deviant behavior, he mentioned a concept developed by Durkheim called anomie. Anomie is a feeling of hopelessness or normlessness, a feeling like you don’t belong or that you’re working towards no significant goal. I think this is what I’ve been feeling lately. Merton added onto this idea to pose the question of why people break out of the norm. Another sociologist, Goffman, suggested that everything we do is acting, whether on our “front stage” or “backstage.” I feel like I’ve been doing way too much “front stage” acting, even when no one’s around. I’m always trying to impress someone or get ahead to accomplish something that’ll make someone proud of me. In reality though, I’m an immature person. Not like laughing-at-fart-jokes immature, but like coloring books-and-not-really-ever-wanting-to-fully-become-a-boring-adult immature. I love being by myself. I love sleeping. I love just being home and acting ridiculous. I love trying on the most beautiful thing in the store even though I’d have nowhere to wear it, couldn’t afford it, or already knew it wouldn’t fit. So, I don’t think I could ever work a serious job that required often sternness and limited laughing. I just can’t do that. I can’t get a job that will impress people when I mention it, make me feel intelligent, pay well, but not actually make me happy happy. I need a job where it’s okay to break out into dance or song. Seriously. Anyway, so I felt like not-niceness for a while, really ever since I thought about dropping education. And since I decided to pick it up again, I’ve been feeling better and actually really enjoying myself by just living life. For so long, I always had to do things for other people (or felt that I had to) or to “make it big.” But now, finally, I’m doing things for me, to make me happy. (I’ve probably already mentioned the dance classes I’m taking this semester. That’s really a step outside what I would normally do, especially in school. Yay for taking chances and having fun!)

Sorry I didn’t really share any wisdom in this post, or in any recent posts. If you get anything from this post, realize that the world is yours. You can do anything you want to. Wear that dress or that cool chain belt. Finger paint or make pipe cleaner people. Never let a number like age or a word like gender or sex control you. Be the person that will make you happy. Go on adventures. Go on them often. Try that restaurant you saw someone Instagram. Take lots of pictures, but don’t forget to live in the moment. Don’t photograph everything. Don’t feel pressured to make tons of friends or have one close friend. You do life like you want to do it. That’s why there’s no rule book or instructions!

Have fun exploring!


I’ve always wanted to grow up. It’s funny when you think about it. The phrase itself is repetitive. How else would we grow but “up”? Or can we? Perhaps we can grow, but in a sideways fashion, never really making progress besides getting wrinkles and losing pigment in our hair. The “up” implies a rising from a lower state, successful progress(es) made to better oneself. So yes, I’ve always wanted to grow, first of all. I’ve always wanted to be older than I was. But also, I’ve always wanted to improve my life from its current state, to rise in wealth but also in knowledge, freedom, and happiness. (Just a side note because the class I’m taking now is extremely philosophical and I’m absolutely love it.)

Going to college, specifically the college that I’m attending now, has always been my dream. I don’t know why, but I always wanted to be in the high teens and early twenties. Turning 20 this year, I’ve realized that the world isn’t exactly as I thought it would be, which is disappointing, but I’ve also been awakened in a sense. I’ll admit, I thought college would involve living on your own, clubbing, getting into intense intellectual debates, more clubbing, meeting the best friends of your life, even more clubbing, a lot of dating, and, yes, even more clubbing. (I really wanted to go clubbing. Still do.) Although that’s how it may be for some people, that’s not how it’s turned out for me. I don’t live on my own, and I probably won’t for a while. I don’t really get into debates. Rather, I enjoy watching and listening to them. I’ve made some good friends in college, but I also carry a ton of amazing friends from high school with me. I dated rarely in high school, and am still in a relationship that started in my junior year of high school. So no dating. And no, no clubbing. (Yet.)

So what’s this whole awakening thing I’m talking about? Well, although I’m not going to become the dancing queen I aspired to be, I see myself becoming so much more. Right now, I aspire to become a professor. After meeting and taking classes with various professors, I have learned the freedom that one truly has in becoming a distinct individual, meaning that one is not just limited to being a teacher or a doctor, etc, and even if that is the career they choose, there is still freedom within that lifestyle. You see, I’ve grown up in a family that works both outside and inside the home. There is rarely a free moment to relax or go out. And even in those free moments, there is still a lack of general freedom, that is, a freedom within the workplace which, in my life, is everywhere.

I think that I chose to become involved with sociology because of the freedom it not only allows, but encourages. Sociology, at least to me, a mere novice as compared to my brilliant professors, is the study of “why” and “why not.” An example question would be, Why is this set up this way and what would happen if this were accepted or that became a law, social or governmental?  Sociology encourages me to look outside the way I’m living now, to ask questions, something I was never encouraged to do (and really still isn’t. I’m always expected to do as I’m told, even if it doesn’t really make much sense.)

In addition, you may have seen that in previous posts that I’m also interested in math. I absolutely love math. I enjoy the comfort of always having an answer, and always having a true answer. (None of that opinion stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I love opinions, I just don’t like when one’s opinion is “wrong” because it doesn’t match that of a superior.) I don’t know which subject I want to be a professor of just yet. I love both subjects, and I can see myself excelling at doing either. Maybe I’ll do both! (I definitely know that I want at least a Master’s in both subjects.) I see a beauty in studying both a social science and an actual science. You can clearly see the differences, and you can strengthen your knowledge in two completely different areas. In addition, your knowledge from either area can help you in the other. It’s actually pretty awesome how everything is connected.

So here I am. I’m not clubbing or single as a Pringle, but I’m pretty darn excited to become a professor someday. Like many of us see the flaws in our parents and vow to never be that way to our children, I see the mistakes my professors have made and vow to never teach in that fashion. First of all, college is a lot of stress. If my class is a particularly stressful one, such as a math class for non-majors, I don’t want to give my students extra anxiety. All that does is make them shut themselves off to what I’m teaching, and then they’ll never learn. Making a subject simple (broken down into small parts and steps) and approachable is key to an effective lesson. I also want to be approachable myself. I want to show my students that being completely themselves and expressing themselves in the ways they choose is acceptable and in fact encouraged in my class. I want to establish an atmosphere where creativity is encouraged and rewarded as well.

As I’ve been thinking more and more of becoming a professor and realizing that this is what I truly want, I’ve noticed how many people don’t see this choice as fruitful. I realize that with my grades I could be a doctor or a lawyer or something else seen in society as successful, but I don’t want that. I don’t like blood or arguing. I like teaching, and I like teaching what I love to mature people, aka being a professor. Maybe I’ll do other things with my degrees as experiments or experiences, but I want mainly to get my higher degrees and do this. I really enjoy and look forward to the constant questioning of the world we live in and presenting this to the next generation. As for you, I hope you find out what you love and do it as I am, no matter what anyone tells you. Break out of the oppression, “you have nothing to lose but your chains” (Marx).

Taking On 2015: A List

First of all, I need to express how absolutely pleased I am that everyone’s so excited for 2015. I am too. I want to accomplish so much in the year ahead. Personally, I want 2015 to be a year of learning for me–but not school learning. It bothers me how I have nothing to say when people ask about my hobbies. All I do is go to school. Therefore, I want to learn this year, but not by going to seminars or labs. I also want to accomplish feats that I have never been able to accomplish. So, without further ado, here are twenty things I want to do in 2015!

1. Learn how to do a handstand because why not.

2. Learn how to do more baking (melting chocolate, etc.) and cooking. Yum.

3. Go on more adventures.

4. Take more pictures, both of where I go and who I’m with. And take more pretty pictures. I have too many derps.

5. Worry less about other people’s opinions or comments.

6. Learn how to do a cartwheel (According to research, I need to accomplish #1 in order to do this… Yes, I researched it.)

7. Read recreationally. Comic books, novels, everything.

8. Learn how to play an instrument. Even though reading music is my worst enemy.

9. Learn French.

10. Exercise. Like actually exercise. Like running. No more just sitting on a yoga mat and expecting change.

11. Create more things. (I just learned how to knit. I love being crafty.)

12. Learn how to read tarot cards.

13. Freewrite. Often. (And blog more often!)

14. Learn how to read palms. (I like mystic/New Age stuff.)

15. Take more deep breaths.

16. Possibly get a tattoo? That would be nice.

17. Learn how to dance. (I’m taking a tap class in the spring!)

18. Drive more. Drive independently. Drive to school.

19. Go to the beach more. I love the beach.

20. Figure out what career path will make me happy and pursue it, no matter the stigma or what people think.

Thanks for reading! I hope this inspires you to make your own list of twenty (or more!) things you want to accomplish in the coming year to be happier! Happy New Year, everyone! Thanks for following!

Nobly Daring

Hi, everyone! I’m sorry for being really not on top of my game lately. It’s finals week (more like two weeks) and things have just been crazy for me. So, let me catch you up! Starting in the Spring, I’m going to be a TA! This is actually something that I’ve always wanted, and it’s the first step in really learning how to become a good professor. And, not only am I going to be any TA, but I’m going to be a social stats TA! Now this got me thinking. If I got so excited over this and being able to do math again, am I maybe making the wrong choice in pursuing just education? Long story short, I’m getting the feeling that education is not for me. Well, at least JUST education. I love the kids, but I really don’t have the patience for the slow, basic curriculum. I feel like it’s been melting and frying my brain. I feel like this was my lazy choice. And therefore, I dropped my education class for next semester and instead registered for a math class. And I’ve never been more excited in my life. Math was always my thing. ALWAYS. Ever since I went for math tutoring in third grade, math has forever been my forté. In high school, I wouldn’t use a calculator on purpose to train myself to do math in my head. I taught myself whatever wasn’t covered in class in order to get 100 on the Trigonometry Regents. And I did. They had to call the Regents people and add a different solution to a question because of me and my hard work. And math has always excited me. And I think after working so hard for all these years, I decided to be lazy in college. I mean, I love the social sciences. They’ve taught me more than I’ve ever known about the world. But I can’t survive on just that. I’ve been hungry for more for a while now. I really miss math. I mean, I took an elementary school math class last spring, and that REALLY made me miss math. So, I emailed my professor, and he granted me an extra seat in his advanced math course. And so hopefully, I will be a math major. I don’t know if I can finish everything in my two years left, but I’m okay with that. I’m also surprisingly comfortable with the ambiguity of not being trained for a specific job. I’ve seen tons of scholarships for graduate schools that guarantee fully paying for your Master’s AND a job once you graduate. One in particular with the Department of Defense, which is badass. Or I can be a teacher in a Catholic high school, which is awesome too. Or I can work for a bank or business or something else that comes my way. But I can tell you that this is really exciting for me. Almost everyone I know thinks I’m nuts, but, for the first time in my life, I’m completely okay with that.

In other news, I want to really start on my writing again, both on here and for my stories. I know, I know. I keep saying this and never doing anything. But then I thought about something I think about basically constantly–the tattoos I want, especially the one I want as my first: “she nobly dared” in script, centered on my upper back. It’s short for “And what she greatly thought, she nobly dared,” which I changed from “he”‘s from the original (from The Odyssey). I absolutely love this quote. And no, I didn’t find it from reading the book. I actually saw it on one of those papers on a tea bag. Seriously. But ever since, I’ve in awe of how incredible and intense it is, especially for me. I’ve never acted on any of my good ideas. I’ve never followed through with anything. Ever. Not an instrument, not an idea, not a story, nothing. And I’ve realized that getting a tattoo shouldn’t be my first time doing this, simply because I’m going to probably wait at least a year until I get it. And I shouldn’t keep procrastinating. That’s the point of this. Therefore, I don’t just want to start seriously writing…I need to.

Continuing off of this, I want to take instrument lessons. “Wait, Michelle, didn’t you JUST say you never followed through with an instrument?” Yes, I did! And I want to change that, partnered with my intense passion for music. And what do I want to play? Well, after my parents shot down my idea of taking the cello, they suggested that I take up the violin again. I thought it was an awesome idea; I’m excited. But I’ve never felt so old. When you’re little, you can start things and take up extracurriculars, like playing an instrument or dance. Personally, I would have loved to have taken dance, but at 19 no one wants you as a beginner. So, the second choice is violin. And, let me tell you, we dug up my old one today and, as old and small as it was, I was in awe of how beautiful it was (and how hilarious it was for me to try to play again). Not only do I want to develop some more discipline and actually stick to something, but I also want a thing. I had a thing for about three years when I was younger, Tae Kwon Do, and I honestly miss learning something other than school stuff and having a hobby to tell people about when they ask, “So, what do you do for fun?” (I’m sick of answering, “Well, homework.”)

Another thing I wanted to address was my look. For a while, I had an issue with my weight, but then realized that all this diet shit was keeping me from eating cookie dough and hamburgers, and that just won’t do. But recently, I have been wanting to somehow change my look. I’ve always been a tomboy or, as I like to call it, dapper, but recently, being around girls AND guys more, I feel so unwomanly. I don’t wear makeup or really put much effort into my hair or clothes. To me, it’s a waste of time. I could be eating or…well, eating. But I do think I should put a little more effort in, just to make myself feel better. I’m trying to alter my clothing style just a tad, reverting it back to my good ol’ elementary school days where I’d just wear shirts with hilarious puns on them and a nice sweater. I’d also like to maybe go and get a serious hair makeover one of these days, which I’m not sure my parents will approve of.

Welp, there you go. You have been officially caught up with everything that’s been on my mind lately. So here’s my challenge to you: Do something this week, or this month, that you’ve been only thinking about. Go get that nose piercing or take dance classes or write that story or tell someone you love them. Do it. Nobly dare, don’t just greatly think. Make the rest of 2014 awesome.


How to: Ceramic Flower Pot Bells

Hello, everyone! This is my first Pin-tried, or rather Pin-spired (see what I did there?) post! Because I’m an elementary education major, I’m currently taking a class on teaching music to children, and I had a project in which I had to create an original instrument from found materials that made a loud and clear sound and was aesthetically pleasing. After driving myself nuts for a whole day and coming up with nothing, I decided to resort to that holy grail of good ideas, Pinterest. You can find my inspiration for my instrument here! I wound up creating amazing sounding bells from flower pots! This is a really simple, easy project that you could do as a teacher or with the kids!

Flower Pot Bells

Materials Needed:

4 ceramic flower pots (with a hole on each bottom!) of varying sizes

4 tiny ceramic flower pots (with a hole on each bottom!) of the same size

some shoelace-type rope


rhinestones, stickers, and other decorations


1) First, cut your thin rope a decent length (you want it to be a little too long and trim it rather than it be too short!!). Feed your rope through the hole of one of the mini pots. Tie a good number of knots from the inside of the pot. You should be able to hold the top of the string and your little pot will safely dangle from the bottom.

2) Feed the top of your string through the first pot. While holding the string, hold your larger pot and ring your bell. Figure out where you would like to tie your knots to get your desired sound. (When I hold my bells, the little pot sticks out a little from the bottom. When the little pot is too far in, it will scrape along the sides of the larger pot inside of strike the sides.)

3) Tie a good number of knots. Your knots should be on top of your larger pot, like in the picture above.

4) Ring your bell! It should sound loud and clear. If you are not happy with its sound, undo your latest knots and readjust your pots and then re-knot.

5) Repeat the process with your remaining pots.

6) Decorate your flower pot bells! Go wild!

I hope that you enjoy your bells and get really creative with them! Different shapes of pots will create tons of different sounds! My yellow bell (the second from the left) makes a slightly different sound from the others because of its more narrow shape, which was really interesting! This is my first major teaching project, and I can’t wait to do more!!

Ravish Me Red (aka My Terrible Reason for Not Blogging Lately)

Sorry, folks! I know I’ve been gone for a while, and I promise I have a good reason…or not. So I finally got Netflix back. Wait, that’s not the reason…well, reasons. The reasons are Sister Jude, Kit Walker, some sex addicted mutant lady, and an insane psychiatrist whose favorite pastime is skinning women alive to make up for the lack of physical contact he had as a child. So yeah, my reason is American Horror Story: Asylum. Every time I watch it, I become fascinated, gasp, and then quickly shut my laptop and swear to never watch it again, only to continue watching a half hour later. I absolutely adore this show. I’m not one for horror movies (well jump scares and gore aren’t my thing). But, for some reason, I love the horrific ideas and plot that the show has. For those who haven’t watched the show, it’s one of those shows where you’re not sure where to start explaining. (Warning: I apologize in advance for any poor explanations or spoilers). Basically, this season takes places (for the most part ) in the 1960s and is about a lesbian reporter Lana Winters, who is committed to the insane asylum Briarcliff while working on a story about a suspected serial killer that is being treated there. (She’s committed for being homosexual, in an attempt to hide the behind-the-times treatments that are being given at Briarcliff.) The season follows Lana, her fellow inmates at Briarcliff, and the Briarcliff staff (several nuns, a monsignor, and two doctors) as they create issues for themselves and each other, as well as have to handle supernatural issues that arise. These issues include patient escapes, involuntary patient testing, alien abductions, murders, and lots of issues blamed on others who have not committed them. So lots of innocent people getting punished and lot of guilty people getting away with murder…and rape…and everything else you can imagine. The best way to summarize this season is, you see that character? What do you think of him or her? Welp, that’s exactly the opposite of who he or she actually is. 

One thing I love about American Horror Story in itself is that each season has a completely different story, so you can watch them in any order you please, yet, at the same time, actors and actresses from past seasons will play major roles once more, so you can continue to watch them in awe and admiration. (I swear, I was never an acting aficionado, but this show has made me seriously respect these actors and actresses. Like whoa. The talent these people have is ridiculously incredible.) I have especially fallen in love with the acting abilities of Jessica Lange. This woman. She’s just incredible in every way, shape, and form. Just that. That’s it. She’s just an acting goddess.

In addition, I have a mixed relationship with the more bizarre parts of the show. Here and there, random monsters or situations appear that just leave me confused and turned off. It’s just weird and uncalled for.

Speaking of uncalled for (or totally called for), this is gonna sound crazy. I ALWAYS have a strong, passionate hate for television sex. I have always seen it as a waste of precious plot-developing time and a cheap way to gain audiences. But…AHS has THE hottest on-screen sex I have ever seen. It always is classy (as in very tasteful and conservative nudity) and it’s always twisted in some sort of way. Even when there is just plain dialogue, with no sex or sexual innuendos whatsoever, you can constantly feel sexual tension underlying, and I’m hooked on it. It’s very horrific for the sensitive, such as a possessed nun coercing a monsignor into having sex (which the clergy are never supposed to engage in), but for those who are hard-hearted like me, it’s awesome. My favorite character on the show so far is Sister Mary Eunice (the possessed nun) because 1) she’s possessed 2) the devil took over an innocent and quiet woman, and the actress clearly displays the difference, and 3) the devil transformed this chick into one evil, murderous ball of sexy. I’m not really a sexual person, but this show…hubba hubba. It’s definitely a guilty pleasure of mine.

I’m sorry this post has been kind of choppy and weird; I have to get back into my writing flow. If you get anything out of this post, please watch AHS, especially Season 2. You’ll be yelling at your laptop, television, tablet, or other Netflixing device. I can guarantee it. Till then, I’ll be trying on my red lingerie and my Ravish Me Red lipstick. (INSIDER!)