Mini Happies

This Camp NaNoWriMo thing is much harder than it sounds. And it sounds pretty darn hard. This week was my Spring Break, a time for me to relax, go on adventures, and write…except that I was too busy relaxing and adventuring to find time or inspiration to write. Although this royally sucks and I feel pretty down for not progressing on my writing, I feel free. I think I’ve been rushing myself with due dates that I was willing to give up some of the quality of my work. Sure, I need to actually write things to get better, and I’m working on that. I also have a lot of awesome things coming my way, like actually starting my education classes and being a camp program coordinator. And this week was actually really amazing. I got to spend a lot of time with my usually busy boyfriend. We went to the zoo and saw this really amazing show. We also watched Sharknado, which I highly recommend to watch (and make fun of) with friends, and ate tons of food. I loved this week, but on Monday I go back to the ol’ grind. Amongst my frequent social media checking this week, I came across a really wonderful thing. Louise, YouTube user SprinkleofGlitter, always does wonderful crafts and Lookbook videos that feature her gorgeous and adorable four-year-old, Darcy. Lately, she has been posting on Facebook her “mini happies” each day, as a way to recognize the good things in life and inspire others to do the same. Since I feel like a fail not doing NaNoWriMo after talking it up, I’m going to try this exercise and I encourage you guys to do the same! (Perhaps I will do this more regularly if I get positive reviews or it really helps me out.)

My Mini Happies:

1. The weather is finally beautiful, sunny, and relatively warm. This makes me feel great because I’m finally not even a bit chilly.

2. I still have one and a half days left of my break.

3. I have 41 days until I’m going on my vacation to Disney.

4. I went to the dentist today and I don’t have any cavities, even though I was pretty sure I did.

5. Things are insanely wonderful regarding my love life and I couldn’t be happier.

am feeling tons better than I had been feeling this past winter, which is great. School is pretty handle-able right now, and I’m working on getting everything together for next semester. I do want to start eating a little better and saving money, because lately I’ve been a restaurant addict. I’m also considering dying my hair for the first time, but I need to discuss it with my parents and figure out if I really want to spend all that money after just deciding that I wanted to save more.

Welp, thanks for reading! This was more of an update than anything, but I always appreciate your support. Feel free to list your mini happies either in the comments or in a more personal place. It really does work!

Go out and be in the sunshine!

Taking On 2015: A List

First of all, I need to express how absolutely pleased I am that everyone’s so excited for 2015. I am too. I want to accomplish so much in the year ahead. Personally, I want 2015 to be a year of learning for me–but not school learning. It bothers me how I have nothing to say when people ask about my hobbies. All I do is go to school. Therefore, I want to learn this year, but not by going to seminars or labs. I also want to accomplish feats that I have never been able to accomplish. So, without further ado, here are twenty things I want to do in 2015!

1. Learn how to do a handstand because why not.

2. Learn how to do more baking (melting chocolate, etc.) and cooking. Yum.

3. Go on more adventures.

4. Take more pictures, both of where I go and who I’m with. And take more pretty pictures. I have too many derps.

5. Worry less about other people’s opinions or comments.

6. Learn how to do a cartwheel (According to research, I need to accomplish #1 in order to do this… Yes, I researched it.)

7. Read recreationally. Comic books, novels, everything.

8. Learn how to play an instrument. Even though reading music is my worst enemy.

9. Learn French.

10. Exercise. Like actually exercise. Like running. No more just sitting on a yoga mat and expecting change.

11. Create more things. (I just learned how to knit. I love being crafty.)

12. Learn how to read tarot cards.

13. Freewrite. Often. (And blog more often!)

14. Learn how to read palms. (I like mystic/New Age stuff.)

15. Take more deep breaths.

16. Possibly get a tattoo? That would be nice.

17. Learn how to dance. (I’m taking a tap class in the spring!)

18. Drive more. Drive independently. Drive to school.

19. Go to the beach more. I love the beach.

20. Figure out what career path will make me happy and pursue it, no matter the stigma or what people think.

Thanks for reading! I hope this inspires you to make your own list of twenty (or more!) things you want to accomplish in the coming year to be happier! Happy New Year, everyone! Thanks for following!