An Ode to 2015

Ah, 2015… I remember writing my first post of the year as if it were yesterday. And now look at me. Completely new life goals, new major, new hobby (I’ve gone to yoga classes for a month now!), new job, new DECADE– there’s so much newness! It’s honestly quite terrifying. I’ve faced a lot of inner turmoil particularly lately due to all of these quick changes. (I honestly think they happened too quickly for me to process them well, but I was in a sticky situation and needed to get out ASAP.) Anywho, 2015 has been quite the rollercoaster. It was the second year I actually stayed up to watch the ball drop– the first time I watched it at home. It was the year of my three-year anniversary (although four years is creeping closer and closer– less than two months to go!). It was the year I realized that I stress way too much about things I can’t control, although I’m still working on how to solve that problem. It was the year that I finally started gaining true confidence in myself, specifically intellectually (and physically). It was the year of quite a few adventures that I’ll never forget. It was the year of change, and that change is most definitely carrying over into 2016. I have quite a few changes that I still want to put into action in the new year. Not so much like last year, with hopes of working out and learning languages, but more surrounding relaxing more and becoming a more open-minded/flexible individual (as well as working on that pesky reading list I never stop talking about). I find myself setting much higher expectations on myself, which I’m happy about. I don’t get too upset if I don’t reach those goals, but I do expect high quality and sincere work from myself, which has inspired me to at least try to get into a Ph.D. program upon graduation. (There are pretty cool alternatives, so it’s not the end of the world if I don’t get in; I just wanna try.) I have strengthened many of my relationships, both with my friends and my boyfriend, which also makes me feel happier and more confident.2015 has been pretty awesome to me, and honestly, I’m sad to see it go. (Partly because 2016 is the year I turn 21, and I’m still coping with being 20, so 21 is gonna be rough.) But, 2016 will definitely be pretty awesome as well. It’s going to be filled with papers upon papers (…upon papers), but also (I hope) clearer lines of communication with the people that I love and a less uptight, more social me. (IT’S ALSO THE YEAR THAT I’LL HAVE MY FIRST PUBLICATION– YES, MY ARTICLE IS GETTING PUBLISHED IN MY COLLEGE’S LITERARY JOURNAL! *INFINITELY SQUEALS*) Also, hopefully, 2016 will be filled with much more blog posts.

Ugh, as I write more, I realize how much I’m going to miss this year. 2015 showed me how strong I truly am, and that, when push comes to shove, I choose my happiness over anything else. 2015 restored my faith in myself, and I hope 2016 allows me to flourish into the young adult I know I can be.

It’s been real, 2015. Peace out.


Photo source:

Taking On 2015: A List

First of all, I need to express how absolutely pleased I am that everyone’s so excited for 2015. I am too. I want to accomplish so much in the year ahead. Personally, I want 2015 to be a year of learning for me–but not school learning. It bothers me how I have nothing to say when people ask about my hobbies. All I do is go to school. Therefore, I want to learn this year, but not by going to seminars or labs. I also want to accomplish feats that I have never been able to accomplish. So, without further ado, here are twenty things I want to do in 2015!

1. Learn how to do a handstand because why not.

2. Learn how to do more baking (melting chocolate, etc.) and cooking. Yum.

3. Go on more adventures.

4. Take more pictures, both of where I go and who I’m with. And take more pretty pictures. I have too many derps.

5. Worry less about other people’s opinions or comments.

6. Learn how to do a cartwheel (According to research, I need to accomplish #1 in order to do this… Yes, I researched it.)

7. Read recreationally. Comic books, novels, everything.

8. Learn how to play an instrument. Even though reading music is my worst enemy.

9. Learn French.

10. Exercise. Like actually exercise. Like running. No more just sitting on a yoga mat and expecting change.

11. Create more things. (I just learned how to knit. I love being crafty.)

12. Learn how to read tarot cards.

13. Freewrite. Often. (And blog more often!)

14. Learn how to read palms. (I like mystic/New Age stuff.)

15. Take more deep breaths.

16. Possibly get a tattoo? That would be nice.

17. Learn how to dance. (I’m taking a tap class in the spring!)

18. Drive more. Drive independently. Drive to school.

19. Go to the beach more. I love the beach.

20. Figure out what career path will make me happy and pursue it, no matter the stigma or what people think.

Thanks for reading! I hope this inspires you to make your own list of twenty (or more!) things you want to accomplish in the coming year to be happier! Happy New Year, everyone! Thanks for following!